Himanta Sarma said Rahul Gandhi was on yatra but had failed to convey his vision for the country. New Delhi: Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma has slammed Congress leader Rahul Gandhi saying he "does not have systematic seriousness", wants to have power without responsibility and "is not fit for politics". In an interview with ANI, Mr Sarma who was in Congress for over two decades, said he had told the party's leadership that they will lose the northeast without a course correction. Mr Sarma joined BJP in 2015. He accused Rahul Gandhi of being non-serious as a politician, behaving like "a feudal lord" and being arrogant. "The first thing is he is not fit for politics. Probably, the work he should not do, he is doing," Mr Sarma said. He said Rahul Gandhi can sometimes leave a meeting in between and go for his exercise routine like jogging or suddenly go to the next room and come after half an hour. "There is no systematic ...